薬物の組み合わせ: Timonil 600 retard & Ibalgin 400 & Baclofen-polpharma & Rivotril & & &

Timonil 600 retard (carbamazepine)
Ibalgin 400 (ibuprofen)
Baclofen-polpharma (baclofen)
Rivotril (clonazepam)
Timonil 600 retard & Ibalgin 400
The metabolism of Ibuprofen can be increased when combined with Carbamazepine.

Timonil 600 retard & Baclofen-polpharma
The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Carbamazepine is combined with Baclofen.

Timonil 600 retard & Rivotril
The metabolism of Clonazepam can be increased when combined with Carbamazepine.

Timonil 600 retard &
The serum concentration of Ulipristal can be decreased when it is combined with Carbamazepine.

Timonil 600 retard &
The serum concentration of Ulipristal can be decreased when it is combined with Carbamazepine.

Timonil 600 retard &
The serum concentration of Ulipristal can be decreased when it is combined with Carbamazepine.

Ibalgin 400 &
The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Ketorolac is combined with Ibuprofen.

Ibalgin 400 &
The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Ketorolac is combined with Ibuprofen.

Ibalgin 400 &
The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Ketorolac is combined with Ibuprofen.

Baclofen-polpharma & Rivotril
The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Baclofen is combined with Clonazepam.

Baclofen-polpharma &
Baclofen may increase the central nervous system depressant (CNS depressant) activities of Azelastine.

Baclofen-polpharma &
Baclofen may increase the central nervous system depressant (CNS depressant) activities of Azelastine.

Baclofen-polpharma &
Baclofen may increase the central nervous system depressant (CNS depressant) activities of Azelastine.

Rivotril &
The serum concentration of Clonazepam can be increased when it is combined with Fusidic Acid.

Rivotril &
The serum concentration of Clonazepam can be increased when it is combined with Fusidic Acid.

Rivotril &
The serum concentration of Clonazepam can be increased when it is combined with Fusidic Acid.

The risk or severity of myocardial ischemia can be increased when Insulin Human is combined with Rosiglitazone.

The risk or severity of myocardial ischemia can be increased when Insulin Human is combined with Rosiglitazone.

The risk or severity of myocardial ischemia can be increased when Insulin Human is combined with Rosiglitazone.

The risk or severity of myocardial ischemia can be increased when Insulin Human is combined with Rosiglitazone.


Timonil 600 retard: アルコールは避けてください。 治療中はグレープフルーツまたはグレープフルーツジュースの摂取を避けてください。 グレープフルーツは、この製品の血清レベルを大幅に上昇させる可能性があります。 食べ物と一緒に摂取すると、利用可能性が高まり、刺激が軽減されます。
Ibalgin 400: アルコールを避ける 食品は、ピーク血漿濃度に達する時間を 30 ~ 60 分遅らせ、ピーク血漿濃度を 30 ~ 50% 低下させます。 吸収の程度は影響を受けません。 胃への刺激を軽減するために食事と一緒に摂取してください。
Baclofen-polpharma: \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
Rivotril: アルコールは避けてください。 過剰な量のコーヒーや紅茶(カフェイン)を避けてください。 食事に関係なく摂取してください。
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Timonil & Ibalgin & Baclofen-polphar..

  Timonil 600 retard & Ibalgin 400  The metabolism of Ibuprofen can be increased when combined with Carbamazepine.   Timonil 600 retard & Baclofen-polpharma  The risk or severity of a ..もっと

Timonil & Ibalgin & Baclofen-polphar..

  Timonil 600 retard & Ibalgin 400  The metabolism of Ibuprofen can be increased when combined with Carbamazepine.   Timonil 600 retard & Baclofen-polpharma  The risk or severity of a ..もっと

Timonil & Ibalgin & Baclofen-polphar..

  Timonil 600 retard & Ibalgin 400  The metabolism of Ibuprofen can be increased when combined with Carbamazepine.   Timonil 600 retard & Baclofen-polpharma  The risk or severity of a ..もっと

Timonil & Ibalgin & Baclofen-polphar..

  Timonil 600 retard & Ibalgin 400  The metabolism of Ibuprofen can be increased when combined with Carbamazepine.   Timonil 600 retard & Baclofen-polpharma  The risk or severity of a ..もっと

Timonil & Ibalgin & Baclofen-polphar..

  Timonil 600 retard & Ibalgin 400  The metabolism of Ibuprofen can be increased when combined with Carbamazepine.   Timonil 600 retard & Baclofen-polpharma  The risk or severity of a ..もっと

Timonil & Ibalgin & Baclofen-polphar..

  Timonil 600 retard & Ibalgin 400  The metabolism of Ibuprofen can be increased when combined with Carbamazepine.   Timonil 600 retard & Baclofen-polpharma  The risk or severity of a ..もっと

Timonil & Ibalgin & Baclofen-polphar..

  Timonil 600 retard & Ibalgin 400  The metabolism of Ibuprofen can be increased when combined with Carbamazepine.   Timonil 600 retard & Baclofen-polpharma  The risk or severity of a ..もっと

Timonil & Ibalgin & Baclofen-polphar..

  Timonil 600 retard & Ibalgin 400  The metabolism of Ibuprofen can be increased when combined with Carbamazepine.   Timonil 600 retard & Baclofen-polpharma  The risk or severity of a ..もっと

Ibalgin & Timonil

  Ibalgin 400 & Timonil 600 retard  The metabolism of Ibuprofen can be increased when combined with Carbamazepine. 食物の相互作用およびその他の推奨事項 Ibalgin 400: アルコールを避ける 食品は、ピーク血漿濃度に達する時間を 30 ~ ..もっと

Timonil & Ibalgin & Baclofen-polphar..

  Timonil 600 retard & Ibalgin 400  The metabolism of Ibuprofen can be increased when combined with Carbamazepine.   Timonil 600 retard & Baclofen-polpharma  The risk or severity of a ..もっと